Michael Broadbent
Although I have retired from a career in business banking and being a financial consultant, I am now more busy than ever!
My love of motorsport started as a child as I used to sneak over the wall at Oulton Park to watch motor racing. My wife (Brigette) and I are keen motorsport marshals and have attended events UK wide since 2008. I am now the chairman of the BMMC (British Motorsports Marshals Club)in the North West. I feel that my motorsport knowledge is of use to Speed of Sight.
- My greatest achievement can be summed up as being married for 40 years and raising two well rounded sons.
- A little known fact about me is that I am a volunteer lock keeper on the canals and love narrow gauge railways.
- I am passionate about helping and supporting Speed of Sight to achieve their objectives and goals for their customers and their community.