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Making a Difference: All the Different Ways You Can Help the Speed of Sight Charity

You would not believe all the ways individuals can help the Speed of Sight charity, and it does not always have to involve money either! We are in such a privileged position to be a non-profit charity that raises funds for the people that need it most. All the money raised is put into our Speed of Sight track day events, where we are able to give individuals living with all types of disabilities a once-in-a-lifetime motorsport experience. In today's article, we are going to share all the different ways you can help the Speed of Sight Charity. If you are ready to make a real impact and spread some love in this world, keep on reading!


Volunteering is an amazing way to help out at Speed of Sight, and it does not require any form of donation, only the kindness of your heart. Individuals can sign up as a volunteer at our track day events to help around the circuit. Volunteering roles include:

  • Marshalling
  • Motor Mechanics
  • Photography
  • Hospitality


The simplest way to help the Speed of Sight charity is through a donation. You can donate any amount via our website. All donations make a world of difference! Here at Speed of Sight, we also have a benefactor program where you sign up to donate a certain amount each month. For example, you can become an ‘Angel’ for just £10 a month, and with this package, you get an array of benefits.

Throw a Fundraiser:

By throwing a fundraiser for the Speed of Sight charity, you enable us to provide a life-changing experience. These are just some fundraiser ideas you can do:

  • Race night
  • Quiz night
  • Auction
  • Bakesale
  • Car washing
  • Sponsored events: walking, cycling, skydiving, abseiling

If you would like any more information on the things mentioned in this blog, please be sure to check out the Speed of Sight website. Similarly, if you would like to book in for one of our 2024 track day events, you can also do that via the website.