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Thruxton Track Day

Speed of Sight are delighted to announce our next track day on Monday 4th September is booked. We are heading down to Thruxton in Hampshire for the very first time to give differently-abled people of all ages a chance to have their very own driving experience.

Thruxton was originally a wartime airfield but was transformed into the UK’s fastest race circuit in 1968 when the track was transformed into the one we know today. After the war, it was used as a motorsport track from 1950 and cars joined in 1952. This was swiftly stopped after the tarmac started deteriorating quickly.

The track has three tight corners in quick succession; Campbell, Cobb and Segrave and we know the drivers and supporters will love speeding round Thruxton at our very own Speed of Sight charity track day.

At Speed of Sight, we love to help those have a driving experience like no other. We give them the chance to drive around a racetrack (with a driver) and feel the thrill of being on a race circuit, driving at speed. All our track days are fully supported by friends, family and trustees and are an amazing day out for those involved.

Speed of Sight is dedicated to ensuring that the people who want to take part in the track day can do so. We have specially adapted vehicles that we use for the experience which are all dual-controlled, there is always a driver alongside the person taking part so they can keep everything on the track!

What to expect

On the day, you will arrive and be directed by our team of volunteers to sign in at the Speed of Sight event. We have sole use of the circuit for the day, and we have accommodations in place for anyone who comes. Once you arrive at the sign in area, you’ll be able to see the pit lane and racetrack, there is somewhere to sit, and volunteers will be on hand to answer questions.

You will get an hour time slot, and this means your 20-minute drive will happen at some point during that hour. When your time is called, you’ll head to the pit lane, be introduced to our pit lane crew who will help you to the car. A family member/carer can support in this and get some photos. You’ll get some safety gear on, and seat harness will be adjusted. Our pit lane crew will then explain the controls and get to know what support you need. Off you go! Feel that adrenaline rush as you spend 20 minutes out on the track.

Your support driver will communicate with you through comms in the helmet. The spectator area will be cheering you on as you go past, you may be able to hear them as you whizz by. When you get back, you’ll have a little chat with the crew to tell them how you enjoyed it, and you’ll get a certificate and more photos. Stay and watch the others on the track if you wish, grab a bit to eat and we hope you remember that exhilarating feeling for a long time to come!